Saturday 6 March 2010

I chased a barn owl

(Photo by

It's not often you can claim to have chased a barn owl, but yesterday I did.

I was walking over the fields towards Hilly Wood with Richard, when he stopped to watch something flying up the dyke towards us. It was concentrating hard on something as it didn't see me at all. Tired of being ignored, I charged towards this flying thing, causing it to veer upwards in alarm. It then wheeled round and off across the fields, with me, naturally in hot pursuit.

I soon got bored though, although Richard says it was just too fast for me, and the last we saw of it, it was hunting along Broadwheel Road. Apparently it was a barn owl and it had been sitting on the water tank near Hilly Wood barn for some time before it flew towards us.


Unknown said...

So Sweet!
Love You Henry
Get better.

Henry said...

Am feeling much better now