Sunday, 6 June 2010

Weekend round- up

There has been plenty of rain today, Sunday 6 June, but managed to get in a couple of nice walks over the weekend.

A walk around Bainton Pits and Heath yesterday was rewarded with more views of hobby - this time two hunting high over the heath. A Cetti's warbler was singing near the bridge over the dyke in the middle of the pits and there were turtle dove, cuckoo and nightingale calling too.

Today along the Maxey Cut - another Cetti's warbler in song accompanied by a cuckoo over Maxey Pits. There seem to be five common tern nests on martin pit and there was also a lone green sandpiper there. At this time of year it is always interesting to speculate whether this is a late migrant north, or an early migrant back south, having been up the Arctic, failed to find a mate and wandered back down!

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